Raccoon City Creative Team

Andrew Fields

Andrew enjoys hanging off skyscrapers and cleaning windows. Oh wait, no he doesn’t. That’s why he’s here learning to code. So he never has to scrub bird poop off another building.

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Elijah Bruce

Elijah traveled around a bit before making his way to Seattle and Code Fellows. He has dreams of marrying his graphic design training with the skills that Code Fellows teaches so he can build astounding websites for small businesses and non-profits. He also wants to explore all this nature so near to Seattle; maybe even come across a Raccoon or two.

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Joyce Liao

Joyce is very happy to work with the team to create Raccoon City. She used to encounter the raccoon family when walking from Seattle Center to the uphill parking. Joyce is aspired to spread hacker sparkles in the eventide of this northwest city.

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Katherine Smith

Katherine used to be a veterinary technician. She has worked with dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hedgehogs, sugar gliders, birds, snakes, iguanas, chameleons, turtles, bearded dragons, horses, pigs, cows, goats, wallabies… But it was this project that gave her the chance to finally work with raccoons!

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